Contact Us
Office Location
112 Cross Street
P.O. Box 849
Tappahannock, VA 22560
We are located behind the Essex County Library and next to the Tappahannock Elementary School.
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Phone Numbers
804-443-2048 (Fax)
Mailing Address
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Essex County Office
P.O. 849
Tappahannock, VA 22560
From the Fredericksburg: Area Take Rt. 17 South about 40 miles to Tappahannock. Go through one traffic light. Go about .3 mile. Turn left just before you get to the Essex County Public Library. The extension office is located behind the library in a brick building.
From the Mechanicsville Area: Take Rt. 360 East about 40 miles to Tappahannock. Go through seven traffic lights (about 2 miles). Go about 200 yards and you will see the Essex County Public Library on your right. Marks-Bristow Funeral Home will be on the left just past the library. Go past the library and make the first right hand turn just past the library. The extension office is located behind the library in a brick building.
From the Saluda Area: Take Rt. 17 North about 30 miles to Tappahannock. Go through seven traffic lights (about 2 miles). Go about 200 yards and you will see the Essex County Public Library on your right. Marks-Bristow Funeral Home will be on the left just past the library. Go past the library and make the first right hand turn just past the library. The extension Office is located behind the library in a brick building.